AUTHOR.CALHO: If I didn't write it, I would be hitch hiking cross country to Maine and then Alaska in that order. While taking frequent breaks to spread leaflets. And sit in diners. And write on things because I wasn't at a computer. I may still do that in a few years. Writing this also helps me forget about and better understand the limitations of being human, and keeps me busy enough to allow me no free time to burn the world down.

THEMATIC.ABOUT : Collapse often. The things that hold people together and hold them apart and scatter brains. The things that make thoughts go boom. The things that ooh and aah and [expletive deleted]. Sometimes poking around the margins where responsibility ends and the only one to look to is the Original Equipment Manufacturer and say "but, I already pressed 9 for more options and the menus are exactly the same. Can you just replace it?" The answer will be: "please hold." Sometimes hanging out in dark corners. Sometimes following the train tracks. Looking for ways out and ways in and all the while sharing the things seen and heard and done and drawn and written and scorched and healed and teased and caged and dreamed along the way.


What Makes You Laugh

I was just thinking about unfortunate super powers and I laughed a little bit because of a dream I had.  Not a dream, but a day dream while I was riding.  I was burning down Center Avenue on my bicycle next to a tanker truck that had the high polished aluminum finish that was so glassed I could see my face and helmet and glasses in it when I glanced to my right.  I was going fast enough to pass it, but the light was red so I cruised next to it while we rolled up to the intersection together.

I could of waited, but I was about to pull a right turn at the next light after the stretch of  200 feet, once the next light came up, so I figured (correctly) I would be out of the gate fast enough to beat him there by enough of a long shot and why suck truck exhaust and obstruction when you know what the score already is.  Plus, sometimes it's just fun to flirt with disaster when you know the whale couldn't give two blinks for what you want to do, you being so small and flit a fish.  They know you know if you knew what was good for you, you'll stay away from their fins and wheels, and I for the most part do.  Sometimes I am a reckless jackass, but most of the times, this being one of those times, we both know I'm operating at my own risk and out not to cause trouble and enjoy the sights and speed.  At least that's what I think.

It occurred to me, in day dreaming about it, how awesome it would be to see the tanker explode in slow motion, but not have to actually be there physically, yet have my point of view so close and so slowed down to see it happen.  And then I wondered if, in real time, I would be able to see the flash or if my eyes would be disintegrated and turned to mist before my brain could know what was going on.

The whole thing made me think, in the few seconds before the light turned green, what an awful super power that would be.  The power to make flammable things explode as long as you were close enough to be exploded too.  You wouldn't die, but the one drawback, because super powers with no actual drawback besides responsibility makes you a comic book caricature, would be that you always experience the pain of death even though you are immediately reconstituted and the pain stays fresh.  Furthermore you experience the compounded pain of everyone else who dies in the blast, directly and indirectly, so that even the people that don't immediately die still channel and communicate their living, burn ward, debilitated, living pain for as long as they live directly into your brain beneath the layers upon which drugs can intervene.  So you have to really think about who and what you blow up and when and where, but not necessarily why.

Unfortunate super powers.  Like the power to make yourself drunk.  Like you can think about a specific BAC and put yourself there instantaneously.  Instantaneously.  However, you still get to deal with the health repercussions and you still have to figure out ways around hangovers and you still have to live your life.  But, you get to be as drunk as you feel like, whenever you feel like, because you can call upon a secret power within yourself to generate alcohol directly into your blood stream from your bones.  So, if, for instance, you have painted yourself into a corner and you know you are about to get the ass beating of a lifetime, you can instantly push yourself up to .2 BAC and not feel a thing and then meter yourself when you wake up at a solid .05 and continue to not feel a thing, but still be functional enough to ride a bus to work and do your job and go home.  You could, potentially, never be hung over again, but will likely poop out your foam sponge liver by the time you're 40.  I don't know, man.  Every boring movie would suddenly be interesting.  Every bad hookup would be forgettable, because you could have the power to black out instantaneously.    It would be one hell of an unfortunate super power.

Speaking of explosions, I got an exploding pound today at the gas station.  It was pretty absurd, because it came out of the blue.  From a man who was clearly in his sixties.  I don't know what that means.  I wish I knew why I was attractive to older people.   I have no idea.  And why, of all things, the explosion pound?  Is that what they think we're up to?  Because I have no idea what the kids are up to today being the age that I am, I guess I probably would have no idea what the people my age are up to when I will be his age so I guess I will probably fire shots in the dark after the same fashion when I meet people my age when I am his age so I will probably go for some antiquated (but what I consider timeless) dap and talk about long resolved issues and the merits of industrial music, dub step, and the last relevant artist I knew or maybe go on a good fifteen minute rant about Goldie and underground hip hop by people that sold out decades before.

I have no idea why they love me, but I have no misgivings about loving them back.  I think we ended up talking for a solid five minutes in the parking lot, smoking cigarettes.  When I was walking home I couldn't help snickering a little bit.  Still though, it was nice to connect briefly.  I've been taking some talking point notes in working this up, mostly because I couldn't sleep, still can't, and didn't want to have to comb through my voice recordings to find the parts I wanted to expound upon.

Which brings to the point that people that fire their cum must have a hard time jerking off on short notice.  Not super short notice, but I mean like you just rubbed one out and someone rang your doorbell, but you didn't go get toilet paper because you are almost broke and you're down to your last bit of lotion anyway, and who rings a doorbell at 1 P.M. on Saturday anyway and you're already downstairs opening the door before you realized you spooged four feet away from your computer and your chair is angled in such a way as to avoid spraying your monitor, but is pointed directly into the swatch of sunlight where your cum landed and when your guest comes upstairs to shoot the shit with you it'll be there sparkling like pixie dust on a Pan's head if a Pan's head were floor boards and pixie dust were cum?  Did that turn into a question half way through?  The next time you feel like less of a man for not having rocket cum, just remember it's a two edged talent.  And everything will be okay.

Which is more than I can say about late night commercials.  It seems every commercial after ten at night is about talking to people while jerking off, jerking off better, having sex with strangers, having sex with strangers better, buying cars, buying food that is somehow more expensive than it was last year even though it is in principle the same fucking thing it was the year before, buying cars, buying cars that cost the same for less money somehow and letting strangers jerk you off over the phone if you sit on your hand long enough and download the latest application that lets you download the latest application for getting strangers wet in the pants or making you feel less inadequate in your powers to make strangers wet in the pants.  That and sleep aids that are non-addictive, and what fun is a drug without the blown relationship of all out love?  An excuse, is what that is.  Is what that is?  Nyeh.  Television outside of the hours of ten P.M. and 5 A.M. is garbage anyway, unless it's football.  Plus, we all know commercials are lies.  Sexy, colorful, somewhat intriguing lies.

Kinda sort of brings me to comics.  Comedians.  You like to think that maybe if you met them you'd be good friends, but they actually hate you.  In real life.  Which is in itself a little bit hilarious.  They can't stand you.  But they're so accessible, aren't they?  The trip up is that you get excited and thrilled about the small, obscure, things they don't give two shits about.  Where the common ground lies, they find very little joy because the joy in them is in the spaces where differences are most acute.  I'm kidding.  I'm sure they're nice people in real life if you are a part of the things they don't like.  But they don't like so many things.  Do they do that on purpose?  I suppose this is a bad venue for dissecting comedy.  The dissection simply reminds me of when you tell someone that you're going home, and sometimes suffix that comment with "to jerk off" or "to play some video games and then jerk off" and the person you are talking to comes back with some absurd bullshit like "well, I'm going yachting tomorrow so I should probably turn in."

What the fuck is that?  Number one: I did not ask you what you were doing tomorrow.  Did you decide to throw that in to make me feel worse about what I'm doing for the rest of tonight?  That's kind of fucked up.  It's not like I'm thrilled to say "yeah, my big plans are pretty much encapsulated in two hours of shame followed by sleeping into Saturday until the NCAA games start and then I'll get up and jerk off some more while half watching them and then go back to bed until the bars open and I can thinly veil a little afternoon sousing in catching late afternoon games."  Did you want me to feel bad about myself for not having plans as grand?  Because if you wanted me to feel included in your adventures you could have invited yourself over for the yankfest, but that would have been understandably awkward, but at least give me the chance to say so and decline instead of feeling left out of your life altogether, if that's where we're going.  Because I mean, I only broached the topic of plans so you would know that I know my plans are not as great as yours, but at least you know that I know I'm not leaving the party because I don't want to be there, it's just because I can't over stay my fucking welcome.

I didn't ask you what you were going to go do, and you didn't ask me either, but I'm rolling over.  It's a complement to your party.  Why can't you take a complement?  And that's why comics will never be your friends.  Because you get excited about dumb, irrelevant, shit that is basically the frills and lace on the sides of granny panties to life.  Granted, I'm not going to break into your house, duct tape your wrists together behind your back, drive you out to New England in the middle of the night until dawn, haul you out of the trunk in the middle of nowhere, and shove your face into the leaves by the side of a one lane road and scream "this is Fall!!!  This is what autumn tastes like!!!"  That's just not me.  Plus, who has the time to do that these days?  I don't.  But forgive me if I don't give a !@#$ about the latest tech or music or who's hot on what coast and is performing half price and where.  I'm never going to be in that sphere and the people that are also are not particularly fond of folks like me anyway.

And  that's what's made me laugh these days.

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