AUTHOR.CALHO: If I didn't write it, I would be hitch hiking cross country to Maine and then Alaska in that order. While taking frequent breaks to spread leaflets. And sit in diners. And write on things because I wasn't at a computer. I may still do that in a few years. Writing this also helps me forget about and better understand the limitations of being human, and keeps me busy enough to allow me no free time to burn the world down.

THEMATIC.ABOUT : Collapse often. The things that hold people together and hold them apart and scatter brains. The things that make thoughts go boom. The things that ooh and aah and [expletive deleted]. Sometimes poking around the margins where responsibility ends and the only one to look to is the Original Equipment Manufacturer and say "but, I already pressed 9 for more options and the menus are exactly the same. Can you just replace it?" The answer will be: "please hold." Sometimes hanging out in dark corners. Sometimes following the train tracks. Looking for ways out and ways in and all the while sharing the things seen and heard and done and drawn and written and scorched and healed and teased and caged and dreamed along the way.


bureaucracy... yeah... 06/27/06

Subject : bureaucracy... yeah...
Posted Date: : Jun 27, 2006 8:56 AM

i dont even know if i spelled it right... but anyway... i just wanted to say that it sucks. it sucks horrible horrible prickly donkey balls.

im at work right now and there are 8... count it... EIGHT head honchos on my floor. theyre never up here for any reason (cuz they have to climb stairs to get to the floor i work on) and now there are 8 of them up here. why? well im glad you asked.

theyre installing new microfiche/film readers. well actually they are installing one new microfiche/film reader. why does it take 8 of them to do this??? dont they have better things to do like managing and improving the library catalog system (which fucking sucks dicks) at the university??? there are 8 honchos and 3 technicians.

when we had to shift the entire periodicals collection (literally about two thousand items) to physically make space for new items being added the following year we had all of TWO people working on it. me and some other guy who you wouldn't know anyway. installing one 100 pound machine takes 11 people, but shifting a couple of TONS of materials takes only 2??? they can all go to hell and die. god damn them.

i dont fuckin get it. i guess thats why im just an assistant.

common sensing 06/27/06

Subject : common sensing
Posted Date: : Jun 27, 2006 7:51 AM

i read an interesting piece the other day about film noir.

The piece discussed the fall of tragedy from a tale that depicted the struggles of a hero, a real tale of tumbling from way "up there" to way "down here" and all points southward and more hellish then wherever "here" happens to be, to a tale of the struggles of the common man. It pointed out that the commonizing of tragedy in film noir marks the end of tragedy as a genre because any persons experience could be referred to or depicted as tragic. Then the essay turned. It shifted gears and threw in the exception.

The argument went something like this: "tragedy as it stands today must be reborn into something that not everyone can identify with,but everyone can recognize as uncommon pain not like their own. Tragedy as a genre is not dead. It is only more difficult to properly diagnose. Tragic figures are no longer the aristocrats of society displaced to hell. Tragic figures are those who are already there who are socio-economic minorities and are cut off from the common pool of society, who through incredible and fatalistic turns find themselves somehow further ostracised from the common pool of suffering, which is a far worse place to be because it is suffering without the ability to identify oneself with the common sufferings of your fellow man." thats a total paraphrase. the guy who wrote the piece had a much more in depth argument... but you get the idea (i hope).

the problem with being hard out for luck, in need of support, or on the ropes for any reason is that /everyone/ really believes thiers is the ultimate tragedy, and they "turned out okay" so why should they help or even try to empathize with you? thank you media for making hugh grant look like the saddest man alive.

according to this article, a true "tragic figure" candidate could be one of the poor bastards interned in cuba who later returns to society, his life in shambles, dirt poor, and with literally no one willing to identify with him because of his nationality, and his own government, the shining united states of america, unwilling to touch him so they wrap him up in red tape, put a nice little tag on him that says "don't worry, it's all taken care of" and poke him into the back corners of everyones minds with a thirty foot pole to quietly rot away like so much discarded food behind a stove.

so next time you read something that sounds like a person is whining about how hard their life is and they didn't just return from a foriegn countries prison camp where they were raped every night as a prisoner of war maybe give some consideration to the idea that they actually are having a hard time of it (assuming, of course, that their whole life isnt one big complaint. there are people that are addicted to sorrow and lamentation, or at least i think there are). instead of accusing them of crying to heaven "WHY ME!!" get out of your own stories of overcoming woes for just a moment, discard your images and ideas of how everyone suffers the same, and take a minute to consider that given their circumstances you really have no frame of reference (besides media, which pollutes, dilutes, and confuses the idea of what is and is not suffering on a day-to-day basis and, loosely, your own personal experiences) to judge them accurately.

this is not to say that you have no right to make your judgements. it is to say that i believe you should not pass judgement based on the idea that you've had it just as bad or know someone who has, when what you're really operating on is an idea based in the commonizing of tragedy and the assumption that suffering is an experience without meter that unifies us all. it doesnt.

i wish i could remember the name of the article... it was very provocative.


you cant sleep with everyone 06/20/06

Subject : you cant sleep with everyone
Posted Date: : Jun 20, 2006 4:03 PM

yep... its true. you really just cant sleep with everyone. more importantly though, when you think about it, its not so much that everyone you meet who gets your panties in a bunch or gets your wang a twitchin' is worth jackin or jillin off. the thing is that aspects of these people remind you of someone you know who actually is worth jillin or jackin off.

like say for instance someone's got really cute toes. you dont really want to sleep with them for that, but you probably will go masturbate about it. (maybe not... im not saying we're all perverts here). even if you did shag them, i mean how shitty would that be in the morning when you've had it out and theres not much left to do, but say "k thanks, bye." its not even a matter of having a girlfriend either.

you just cant sleep with everyone you meet that you fancy because it really just wont be worth it. you might as well break your favorite decorative plate (hahaha who buys those!) or your favorite bong, or pipe, or shot glass, or beer mug, or glass dildo, or whatever you prize... shatter it and then roll around on the shards. yeah you might got stuck with a few pieces you like... a few pieces you fancy... but ultimately you'll see that its just not the same as having the whole beautiful thing you really wanted tucked safely into your arms.

why are celebrities so sad? because they have that option to squeeze and rub that shard of something that reminds them of what they really want. except they are surrounded by beautiful broken things and what they really want inevitably gets burried beneath all the glittering pieces of glass.

so by all means look if you must. hug when you can because everyone deserves a little warmth now and then. but for christs sake dont squish it up into your cooch every time or jam your man piece into that glass hole just becuase it's attached to a cute face. you'll bleed yourself dry trying to "satisfy" urges that aren't urges at all. they are merely reflections manifest on someone elses body.

of course you can always simply enjoy being in the presence of something you consider to be beautiful. and its okay to masterbate over beauty. i actually tried masterbating to a car... the results were interesting.

on another note... have you ever wondered how many people manifest their reflections on you? how many people (man or woman) look at you and think to themselves... i would give him/her a fucking that would decimate their lower posterior chain. just think about that next time a guy/girl looks away from you, but don't look away from them too... just look ahead, keep walking, and smile.


spit is not super glue 06/19/06

Subject : spit is not super glue
Posted Date: : Jun 19, 2006 9:26 AM

using saliva to join two surfaces does not work. so it just occured to me that using saliva to join two individuals also will not work, or at least should not be expected to perform as a lasting solution.

the above analogy further reminded me of that time i tried to fix the wiring inside a vibrator that was broken (those things aren't cheap) using super glue. it also did not work... and was discovered for the small phallus of a paperweight it was at its greatest time of need.

moving from disconnected wires, i was struck by how frayed my nerves have recently become. life is hard. ugh. life can feel like a near waterless diet of celery and peanuts on that fifth day when the constipation finally breaks. my nerves are shot. i can literally feel my nerve endings buzzing and firing off little shocks into my muscles, but not returning any relevant information to my brainstem. that odd feeling of nervous, numb energy that makes you feel cold in the face and palms and hot in the belly. there are lots of things i want to do and so many things that need doing.

i need to write about the economy of eccentricity.

i need to write about the 92 / 8 split.

i need to draft lyrics for a friend of mine.

i need to ... need to... need to...

the repitition of this phrase places a person in strange state of paranoia that swells the throat and keeps the fingers clicking back and forth from the email inbox, to the cell phone, to the instant messenger and back. looking for something to do. anything to do. that weird place where the only comfortable view is the one over your shoulder, except that your neck always gets tired and you must turn around. a place where the only rest to be had is in the security of the tasks at hand though the resting isn't what a person is used to calling rest.

i need to write about the restlessness of need.


bearded ladies dont shave 06/12/06

Subject : Bearded Ladies Dont Shave
Posted Date: : Jun 12, 2006 8:00 AM

and neither do i. i mean, come on! im a guy. im entitled to my patchy beard, by virtue of having testicles and a wang. if a bearded lady is entitled to keep her beard and not even get a sideways comment like... "why dont you shave" (obviously she is okay with her facial hair) then why should i?

so there. bleh. on another note... i hate my nose in one of my pictures so im deleting it. even bearded ladies have their bad photo days.


the forest for the trees 06/08/06

Subject : the forest for the trees... people still do that?
Posted Date: : Jun 8, 2006 7:48 AM

i conducted an interview of a co worker last month and then converted the interview into a piece of non-fiction for a class. i drafted the piece and then re-drafted the piece and then reinterviewed and then let it sit for a couple of days. then i edited the piece again and then redrafted the whole thing.

not only was the piece recieved to a near standing ovation from my professor, but i personally felt like it was one of the better things i'd written that year. it was long, but not overly so. it had twists and turns. it was not self promoting nor biased. it was brutally honest and uplifting. this piece of biographical non-fiction is so good i am going to submit it to some minor non-fiction journals and see how well (or poorly it does). this piece was art.

at least that was what i and others thought for the past month until about ten minutes ago. the co-worker whom i interviewed and promised to remain true to in giving him a copy of the piece just told me what he thought of it. this is what he had to say:

"okay there were a few things, first of all you should delete all of the quotes because those quotes don't sound anything like me. secondly the books i read are not on any middle school book lists. they are deep and dark works by world renowned authors. thirdly im not gay because its kind of insenuated in there that i am, but im not."

those were his exact words. there were more. in fact he went on about the books and the gay thing for quite some time before he remembered to harangue me some more about the quotes. where he got those problems from i have no idea.

in the paper i say that we share the same sexual preference and im not gay... so i guess he's just a homophobe.
in the paper i say that im jealous of how well read he is and that he didn't just pick books off of an obscure list for the sake of reading obscure authors like other people with no taste in books often do... so he pulled that book shit outta of two or three words i said in the beginning of the piece to set up the revelation of his deep knowledge.

in the paper i quote him word for word... its not my fault if he doesn't believe he actually sounds like that or not. he said the words. i didn't make them up. and its not like i just stuck on a speech impedement or bogus accent either.

in short it is clear to me that he has completely missed the 99% of the paper that is nothing but positive toward him. the man is ugly. i did capture that faithfully as well... but he didn't have issue with that at all. he only found problems with the 99% that was true, honest, accurate, and positive.

yes, people still miss the forest for the trees. im not making any of the changes he asked me to.

i am going to make one change though. his name.


great depression is over 06/05/06

Subject : Great Depression is Over
Posted Date: : Jun 5, 2006 8:14 AM

The great depression is over. We won. We may have lost the adamson awards but to hell with those and pass me a fuckin beer because its time to start the government funded projects and get this economy of words on the mutha feckin road to recovery.

There's no sense in stuffing my creativity in the closet of work a day world maturity because if you're a writer and you can't multi task between "real world" responsibilities and your real passion then something's going to be compromised and itll probably be your imagination. Of course im actually saying this to myself right now. the you is me.

I didn't want to come back until i had my own website to post on and toy with but it seems like this is going to be as close as i can get to creating my own venue (the dollar strikes again). i may not have returned with a website to my name but i do return with a fine skill set that lets me play with html code like putty and that is exactly what i intend to do. i will forge a myspace page befitting of my greatness (which aint so great, but i dont care because i think i am and that's all that matters) and let loose the goldfish of war.

the great depression is over and nothing gets things going like a good old fashioned war. (insert battle cry here)